Referrals that Reward
ReferUS is the Betterchips Referral Program that Compensates You!
People First.
Tech Advisors.
I bet you know someone that’s gone through some sort of technology meltdown… even if that someone is you! Companies and individuals have been reliant on their digital resources for decades, yet so many of us are still struggling to keep up, stay current, and remain safe.
An IT department is much like insurance (if your insurance was available to answer calls 24/7 and help prevent you from being hacked) in that you don’t want to pay for it, but when things go south, you’re glad you have it. And just like insurance, IT isn’t something we all freely talk about… but we should be! Our business has been built on referrals, so we thought it was time to share in our success.
The Betterchips ReferUS program is based on the idea that you should be compensated for introducing us to our next client. Simple and straightforward, when you bring us a qualified lead* you’ll be rewarded helping spread the word. For more information on our ReferUS program, contact us!
It’s time we started sharing our IT experiences and helping one another stay safe in this digital age. We at Betterchips truly believe that, together we can make your technology better.